
My life is so boring!
They say everyone is unique, I DON'T SEE ANYTHING UNIQUE ABOUT ME!!

God, if only I was some insanely pretty girl or charming guy that don't need any make-up to be beautiful.
& have a to-die-for body that everyone wants and have some weird ass fashion.
& I'll be perfect with no eye-bags and stupid ugly tan skin.
Then I'd be a model, & I'll earn $$$.

If only I'm someone whose vocabulary is superb!!
Or one with fluent chinese that nobody understand.
Then I can argue with 'em & I'll win because nobody understands 'em & they'll just give up!
& I'll be all chim and high class!

If only I can play a instrument like it's a piece of cake.
Or better still, play ALL THE INSTRUMENT!
Then I can perform everywhere, I can teach people, play with other professtionals,
Or I can even be a conductor, (MrLim!!!)
Or even create a band!

If only I have photographic memory!!!!
So that I won't forget any important/happy/sad/interesing/weird events around me.
& get straight As easily! (Just memorise can already~)
I can just will my brain to "take picture of this scene".
& it'll be in my memory for years till I grow old.
& I can just look through my "album" and reminisic!

If only I am a fucking rich brat who can get whatever I want,
Anytime, Anywhere, Anyprice. (3A, LOL)
Then can learn martial arts, and bash up all those bullies/perverts/robbers! I can save the day!
I will be able to do charity for the poors in the streets, etc etc.
I can even feed stray cats!!
I can buy lots of pets and take care of them, & get a maid to take care of them, (When I'm not free).
& I can enlarge my house, and put them all in a room!!
I can buy small little real-like decorations, (cakes, chairs, table, sweets, car, etc etc)
& put 'em all in another room!
I can go overseas, go around the world, relax, & have fun!
I can fly aeroplane EVERYDAY!
Can have big house, golden toilet bowls, endless snacks!

If only I can sing well like those stars out there!!
Then I can have fans swarming around me, have gifts everyday!
Nobody will forget my birthday.

If only I have someone who me & treasures me! (Both BF & BFF.)
Then we can go shopping together, & I'll have someone to tell my troubles and laugh & joke with.

Okay, shall stop.
What for think about all these when I'm not even CLOSE?
Daydreaming only! (Or nightdreaming, since it's so late, wait, it's 3.30am, so it's day. LOL.)
Love it or hate it, I'm me, can't change it.
So, I shall try to love it, and don't complain anymore!
*Smile smile smile..*

Okay, shall go sleep soon, don't really want to be a Owl.
This is such a untidy post! Sorry readers!

If only time could rewind.


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