NOTE: Wordy post tonight.
Anyway I've been talking about crochet for quite a number of times here, but I guess sometimes people do get them mixed up, like wtf is crochet it's knitting right? WRONG. Crochet is crochet, knitting is knitting.
I can post a link up here and hope that people will click on it and understand what it is, but I guess I shall kinda "force" it on you MUAHAHAHA by posting pics here and etc lol.
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That pic up there almost describes the difference between knitting and crochet. Almost. I couldn't find a better picture that actually puts 2 pieces of them like this while being in a high resolution.. But you CAN see that crochet looks more 'defined'.
Firstly, they look different.
If I were to say, I'd say knitting looks much nicer and 'easier' on the eyes. And most of those clothes you buy outside? They're probably knitted.
Secondly, knitting is made by using two knitting needles, whereas crochet is by using a crochet hook.
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A few pairs of knitting needles.
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A few crochet hooks
They do come in different sizes, materials, weight, length for various projects, but the instrument for crochet and knitting is different!
Thirdly, knitting only has two kind of stitches, knit and purl. Which is basically mostly the same size, but purl is just kinda doing the opposite of knit. These 2 stitches can actually make a lot of different patterns so don't be like "what so little?"
However, crochet has so many stitches! Single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet, treble, half treble, slip stitch. (Okay knitting has slip stitch too but that's another story.) These are different sized and depending on what comes after what, can really make lots of different things which is pretty cool.
Knitting can be machine made from what I've heard, but up till now, no machine can make stuff out of crochet, even though there is a machine that probably can do only single crochet, and not really make any stuff out of it.. I have to research more about it hah.
And oh crochet can make cute things like Amigurumis (which is an atas term for crocheted/knitted stuffed toy), but I do believe people crochet more amigurumis than knit them.
I guess that's the basics of recognizing the difference between crochet and knitting eh? Even though there's so so so much more to cover but oh well let's leave it for another day eh?
NOTE: I don't actually knit...yet. I've tried a few times, but never really gotten to it due to other crochet projects or just school assignments. Kinda sucks.. Wish I have more time to learn more knitting..
Okay maybe my explanation wasn't that clear or good.. But I do hope it's at least clear that crochet and knitting is DIFFERENT.
I'm suppose to come here and rant about how sucky my life is and suddenly I'm here explaining the difference between knitting and crochet! Tsk! I do hope people actually read this and understand it though haha.
So from now on those who don't wanna read me whine (see me whine HA) can just you know go and watch some youtube videos or smth go watch Walking Dead man it's good.
So yeah, I was busy making superman for Junyuan, but now that I've finished like 90.6% of it, I stopped. Because I was unsatisfied of the outcome. (Put the 0.6% just for the fun of it I didn't reaaaally count duhhhh)
It was probably 1/4 bigger than the batman I made for Junyuan, and I kinda thought that batman's size was the best. I made superman's legs bigger and longer in general, and that kinda made everything big. Plus his head was bigger. :( I feel so dejected..... And the fact that I kinda used up my holidays to make this, and now it's not what I wanted.
I must confess though, I slacked quite a bit. And kinda pushed it aside too much, because well it was harder to make than my other projects...
Which was:
1. Beanies for Matte House
Matte House is an online shop that my friends Ember, Joanna and I made to sell stuff. And we intend to sell my beanies there too.. But I have to make a few of them, and adjusts the size etc with the yarn I intend to use for these.. I'm kinda having a problem cause the yarn isn't exactly stretchable which sucks... ok I digress.
So I need to make a few, out of different patterns, so that we can make a photoshoot of them ourselves.. And we've been planning to make it for so long, but I just didn't really have the time.. And when I did, I had to redo so many of them (to test for different sizes) that I got kind of dejected.
(And truthfully I was just too busy going to SP to accompany Junyuan and relax and making superman cause he always complains to me about it. Not that I don't want to make for him, I too want to make it for him so he have superman to accompany batman and all but I only have one pair of hands...)
2. Cowl for Junyuan's mum.
I asked Junyuan's mum whether she'd like a cowl, and even showed her the picture of it, and she said she wanted it. I wanted to make one for my mum too. But I really don't have the time... I'm kinda upset about it. Cause I've already kept her waiting for so long.. I started on it. But really don't have the time to continue it..
3. A birthday present.
Not really convenient to say here I guess, but the dateline's coming. It's on oct. And I've only finish making HALF the body. It's easier than superman of course since I have a pattern, but I stopped cause I was short of yarn AND NOW I DON'T HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO CONTINUE IT. I hate this. Because I knew I'd be like this. That's why I like to rush things, and I would prefer to get things done and for me, once I start, I will not want to stop unless there's smth that made me stopped, like SHORTAGE OF YARNS F***. Hais.
And of course, 4. Superman.
I guess it's a lesson learnt? Because I didn't borrow batman and made it exactly the same I thought it'll be fine. I THOUGHT. So I told Junyuan that I'd have to borrow batman when I'm making superman next time. I hate this. Because like I think it somehow always happens to me, the first try will always be the best. The second one? Not so good. So maybe batman was my first attempt. Superman second. And that's why it's like this eh? I regret not noting down what did I do for batman how many rounds of stitches etc..
Now I may have to make superman a second time.. What if again, it's worse?
Okay try not to be negative..
So I have a few more items to make but I can leave them aside for now because the yarns I ordered have not arrived yet. But when they do they're just gonna add to that list.
I'm kinda tired.
I'm putting all those projects on hold for too long. And not to mention I have a school assignment I have not yet started.
I suck at putting priorities straight. Yes I tried. I swear. First I put the birthday present as priority. Then the yarn shortage came. Then I put superman as priority. And I failed (not really you may think, but I guess I have a high expectations of myself and that superman I made is fugly.) So yeah I AM kinda dejected right now.. Pretty much. Cause all of them are kinda my priorities. All of them kind of have a time limit. Junyuan asking for superman almost everyday (I'm not pissed about that or anything.. And I do want to quickly finish it but it's not something I can do in just one day. Maybe I should be glad he thinks that I'm pretty good at it? But no I am not a real expert or anything..) His mum, for the cowl that I promised and took so long to make. The birthday present where the time is running out. The beanies that I told Ember and Joanna I'm gonna make for Matte House and it's only like 10% done after so many months.. Everything is important to me. AND I HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BUT I HAVE TO DO IT SERIOUSLY CB SIA FUCK.
Junyuan is kind though. Now he says that I don't have to focus on superman that much bah.. But I know he really wants it, quick. And it sucks to hear things like "Why is it taking so long?" Really. It really sucks. It's like telling you that you took so long to do the only thing you can do? And I'd be like I will prove it to you. But no I failed.
Maybe I really need to stop going to SP to accompany Junyuan there you know. I'm not really doing anything there. I will reach there at around 12plus, eat lunch while we watch shows, and then he'll do his work and I'll crochet a little? Or that time I changed my blog layout lol. Or we'd watch shows all the way till he ends work. And by the time I reach home sometimes I'd just be so demotivated to do anything I have no idea why. Last time I would be so enthusiastic about crocheting you know?
I guess the problem lies with all the time I give myself to crochet. One or two hours in school isn't enough man.. I used to be more efficient, because I'd crochet till dawn. Non stop. That's what keeps me going, because I'd be like "I can finish this by today I want to finish this by today". (Junyuan doesn't like it though so.. AND I know it's unhealthy..) But nowadays it's like one or two hours each day or a few days and it just isn't giving me enough motivation or I'd be like "maybe another day when I have more time cause 2 hours is so short" and I'd just do other useless shit. Fucking sick of it. Fucking sick of my procrastination.
Okay. 2 more weeks left before my holiday ends. I need to start on my assignment.. BUT I REALLY DON'T WANT TO WTF MAN I REALLY CAN'T DO IT FUCK HOW DO I WRITE A FUCKING SONG JUST LIKE THAT.......
But yeah. I gotta try. So pissed. Fuck this shit.
So tomorrow, I will be in school to accompany Junyuan. Then maybe I'll suggest to him that I'd stay at home for that whole week. To work on my crochet, for one whole fucking day. And at least start reading that god damned brief for my assignment. Okay. That's what I'll do. So I gotta sleep now and make sure I appear for breakfast tomorrow with him eh. Ok. Sleep. Now.
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